It's a fantastic game with or without Newlywed Mode. This new mode may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's optional to appease both players who don't are to bother with it and those who want to get to know their Rune Factory 4 spouses a little better.

They are also filled with new recorded voice lines and have playable segments, rather than just dialogue. Newlywed Mode scenarios seem to last around or above 45 minutes, depending on how you approach them. When you begin a Newlywed Mode scenario, it will ask you to name your character and allow you to choose their pet name for you and yours for them. New cutscenes, a new and higher difficulty, and the brand-new Newlywed Mode await in this enhanced port to the. Rune Factory 4 Special promises to bring the 2012 farming RPG to the modern market with a few additions. In Rune Factory 4, gestation takes 20 days. You can either choose the gender or let the game choose for you. Speak with your spouse after this happens to determine the gender of the child. Soon after, either you or your wife will fall pregnant with a child. Find out where what this new mode means for lovebirds in RF4S. Within one month of being married, your spouse will begin to talk about having a child. Make your selection, and you'll get to play through a special scenario with that character as your partner. Rune Factory 4 Specials biggest new feature is Newlywed Mode. Once you select the mode, you will be taken to a selection screen to choose any marriage candidate you've actually already married in a playthrough. Once you get married in a Rune Factory 4 playthrough, you will gain access to Newlywed Mode in the main menu. However, those truly crazy about their in-game spouses will find something to love (!) in this new mode. If you were expecting this "big" new addition to be a real gamechanger, Newlywed Mode may be a bit of a disappointment. What Is Newlywed Mode in Rune Factory 4 Special? Newlywed Mode is its own thing, but if you're not a fanatic, it might not be worth buying Rune Factory 4 just for this new mode. This can be done by confessing to the character, which will now lead into the romance scenario. Does it add new functionality or add new socialization options within a playthrough? Nope, but Version 1.1.0 will now allow for players to romance characters of the same sex.

Though the new difficulty and cutscenes are very welcome additions, Newlywed Mode is a bit of a mystery to Western audiences pre-release.