
Microsoft sql server client 64-bit windows 8
Microsoft sql server client 64-bit windows 8

microsoft sql server client 64-bit windows 8

When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that Login timeout expiredĪn error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. TCP Provider: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly response after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. Note: I tried pasting in the error message, but it didn't show up in the message after I clicked "submit". Still connect from the windows XP machine, so I am certain that the problem is on the new windows 7 box.

microsoft sql server client 64-bit windows 8

I am using all of the same choices to attempt to set up this new connection (including server name, port number, login id, and password). One under 'Program Files' and the other one under 'Program Files (x386). It has created two similar directory structure for 'Microsoft SQL Server'.

Microsoft sql server client 64 bit windows 8 install#

After the install is complete, I have observed following: 1. Note that I've already successfully set up a similar user DSN connection on a windows XP 32 bit machine. I ran setup.exe and installed sql server 2008 R2 on Windows Server 2008 R2 64bit only OS. enter a username and password, click "Next", and get the error message below. In the second box of the set up wizard, I check the selection that "With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user.". I've installed SQL NativeĬlient (I've downloaded/installed sqlncli.dll, file version 20.0). Machine Properties: Machine name: ASUS-LAPTOP Machine processor count: 8 OS version: Windows 8 OS service pack: OS region: United States OS language: English (United States) OS architecture: 圆4 Process architecture: 64 Bit OS clustered: No Product features discovered: Product Instance Instance ID Feature Language Edition Version Clustered.

microsoft sql server client 64-bit windows 8

To set up the DSN I"m using the 32 bit ODBC data sources tool in the control panel. I'm trying to set up a User DSN on Windows 7-64 to make a remote connection to a SQL Server 2005 database running on a Windows XP server.

Microsoft sql server client 64-bit windows 8